KEGELBELL - Vagina Gym

Tired of holding your breath every time you laugh, sneeze, or pick something up? Meet Kegelbell — the gym for your vagina! Designed for women at all stages of life — from new mothers to athletes and those experiencing menopause — Kegelbell helps prevent leaks, address prolapse, and improve pelvic strength. The design includes an insert that sits inside the body with an adjustable weight that hangs below - both of which users can swap out to different sizes to meet their unique needs.

A bronze winner in the Pelvic Floor Pioneer category, our judges loved the affordable price point and customizable weight range. Of course, in true doctor fashion, they recommend users consult with their physician before trying a new ‘workout’ routine.

This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for concerns about your health or the use of specific products.

FRI - Period Underwear


BONA DEA NATURALS - Feminine Oil Spray